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What to know about Social Security wait times


What to expect with Social Security wait times.

When you apply for a Medicare plan, you must have your Medicare Number. Your Medicare Number is issued by Social Security and is listed on your Medicare card. Our clients have observed delays in having their Medicare Numbers created and receiving their Medicare cards in the mail. This can potentially push back when their Medicare plan will be approved.

Depending on your age, current coverage, and Social Security status, potential wait times vary. Read further on how these delays could impact you.

If You’re 65 or Older

Those who are age 65 and older and not enrolled in Medicare coverage (because they are covered by a spouse or an employer) are experiencing delays.

This also applies to those over age 65 who have Medicare Part A only, but employer or spousal coverage as their primary insurer.

What You Can Expect: Once your paperwork is submitted to the Social Security office, you will be ready to enroll in a plan after two to six weeks on average.

If you are concerned about delays, you can reach out to your local Social Security office or our advisors for support. Our advisors will clearly explain the process of applying for Medicare based on your unique situation.

If You’re Younger Than 65

Already Drawing Social Security Benefits

If you are already drawing Social Security as you approach your 65th birthday, you should not have to take any action to enroll in Medicare Parts A and B.

What You Can Expect: Your Medicare card should automatically arrive ahead of your 65th birthday. You can expect it least three months in advance.

Not Drawing Social Security Benefits

If you are turning 65 and preparing to enroll in Medicare (but you haven’t started drawing Social Security benefits), getting your Medicare Number should not be delayed.

What You Can Expect: Your Medicare Number should be created within two weeks after you apply for Medicare.

Local Advisors, Expert Advice

You can feel confident that our advisors will do everything we can to make your transition to Medicare seamless. If you have questions, you can reach out to our team at 844.388.6565 or email